Thursday, August 27, 2020
Motivation College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Inspiration College - Essay Example Simultaneously, individuals speak to the most elevated single cost figure, they additionally are viewed as the most erratic, hard to control, and they are by a long shot the one basic factor that not a lot should be possible about. A great part of the business have turned its energies to illuminating progressively specialized issues and has gotten some distance from managing human factors as the essential key to improving benefit. (Gerry, 45-57) Inspiration is the key factor in affecting people to work better, so an expansion in inspiration will bring about higher profitability and more benefit, which is a definitive objective of the development business. Understanding and knowing about inspiration speculations can assist with making a persuasive air, and utilization of these hypotheses can bring about accomplishing higher profitability. The authority style of a director impacts the inspiration of laborers. Development is as yet considered as an extreme folks business. Most development directors and bosses consider a law based initiative style as a shortcoming. In any case, research has demonstrated that just directors have accomplished better and preferable outcomes over some other authority style. (Iain, 78-85) Inspiration is characterized as, an individual's dynamic interest in and promise to accomplishing the recommended outcomes. (Gerry, 45-57) The idea of inspiration is to some degree dynamic, various procedures produce diverse outcome at various occasions, and there is no single technique can create ensured great outcomes constantly. One of the troubles in rousing specialists is that they all are unique and respond diversely to a similar sort of progress or activity. Numerous inspiration specialists concurred that administrators can make a positive persuasive environment that can help in propelling laborers for higher efficiency, however they will probably not spur everybody, since everybody is roused by various things. Most organizations are investigating approaches to improve proficiency, profitability, and quality. The inquiry is the manner by which to make laborers work all the more gainfully This is an issue of basic significance to any administrator. The response to this inquiry is both unpredictable and ambiguous. Flannes and Levin (2001) clarified it by saying, the venture chief should adequately and serenely wear a wide range of caps when driving an undertaking. (Levin, 2001) A development supervisor's responsibility is to complete work by the workforce. The development chief's initiative style has a noteworthy job in workforce inspiration. Specialists have distinguished the significant initiative styles as, free enterprise, popularity based, and absolutist. As indicated by conduct researchers, the vote based administration style has accomplished higher efficiency and viability. Idea of Motivation Ideas of inspiration are fairly dynamic. To examine factors that impact inspiration, five inspiration speculations will be talked about in detail in this paper. Figure 1 shows an applied model of inspiration. (Gerry, 45-57) At point An, an individual has needs and attempts to satisfy those requirements. At point B, the individual finds the wellsprings of satisfying those necessities. At point C, he connects with or spurs himself to accomplish errands to satisfy his needs. At point D, when he accomplishes his objective, new needs or varieties of those unique needs will be
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Earth Simulator Essays
Earth Simulator Essays Earth Simulator Essay Earth Simulator Essay Earth Simulator Center Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) Earth Environment System Today’s talk What is the Earth Simulator ? Blessing from the Earth Simulator †High goals reenactment Impact †Synoptic scale sway Heat wave †¦ Silk Road Patterns †Cloud resolve-Synoptic scale extreams Typhoon †¦ multi-scale reproductions †Climate change projection Global Warming †¦ add to IPCC report †Solid earth recreation Earth quark †¦ Wave Propergation guaging †Aurora circular segment reproduction Toward cutting edge reproduction strategy Next stream in future The Earth Simulator ? Advancement of ES began in 1997 with the point of making a far reaching comprehension of worldwide ecological changes, for example, a dangerous atmospheric devation. ?The Kyoto Protocol was opened for signature on eleventh Dec. 1997. ? Created in Mar. 2002 by STA (MEXT) and NEC with 400 M$ speculation. ?Undertaking had been emphatically advanced under Dr. Miyoshi’s course. (Dr. Miyoshi: Passed away in Nov. 2001. ) ? Its development was finished toward the finish of February, 2002 . ?The activity began from March 2002 at the Earth Simulator Center in Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). Computenik news in New York TImes , first prize in Top 500 from 2002-2004†¦.. (still)14th in Top 500 today. Earth Simulator ’s Impact on Society Mission of the Earth Simulator Projects ENVIRONMENT Protection of lives and properties from catastrophic events and natural obliteration INDUSTRY Huge cost decrease in creative innovation advancement which requires huge speculations SCIENCE EARTH SIMULATOR Development of inventive research instruments joining farfrom-balance, nonlinear and open frameworks HUMAN Paradigm move to worldwide, future-arranged perspective Location of Earth Simulator Facilities TokyoEarth Simulator Site The Earth Simulator Hard Disk Process Nodes Tape Archive System Connection Network Air Conditioning 65m Power Supply 50m Free Access Floor The Earth Simulator Hard Disk Process Nodes Tape Archive System Connection Network Air Conditioning 65m Power Supply 50m Free Access Floor The Earth Simulator Hard Disk Process Nodes Tape Archive System Connection Network Air Conditioning 65m Power Supply 50m Free Access Floor The Earth Simulator Hard Disk Process Nodes Tape Archive System Connection Network Air Conditioning 65m Power Supply 50m Free Access Floor The Earth Simulator Hard Disk Process NodesTape Archive System Connection Network Air Conditioning 65m Power Supply 50m Free Access Floor The Earth Simulator Hard Disk Process Nodes Tape Archive System Connection Network Air Conditioning 65m Power Supply 50m Free Access Floor The Earth Simulator Hard Disk Process Nodes Tape Archive Sy stem Connection Network Air Conditioning 65m Power Supply 50m Free Access Floor Earth Simulator Building Peak Performance : 40 TFlops Main Memory : 10 TBytes Magnetic Disk Tape : 2. 5 PBytes 640 processor hubs Magnetic Disks Connect Network 65m Power Supply Air-Conditioning Base-Isolation 50m Configuration of the Earth Simulator Peak execution/AP Peak execution/PN Shared memory/PN : 8Gflops : 64Gflops : 16GB Total number of APs : 5120 Total number of PNs : 640 Total pinnacle execution : 40Tflops Total primary memory : 10TB Interconnection Network (full crossbar switch) Shared Memory 16GB Arithmetic Processor #1 Arithmetic Processor #7 Arithmetic Processor #0 Shared Memory 16GB Arithmetic Processor #0 Arithmetic Processor #7 Arithmetic Processor #1 Shared Memory 16GB Arithmetic Processor #0 Arithmetic Processor #1 Arithmetic Processor #7 Processor Node #0 Processor Node #1 Processor Node #639 Mass Data Processing System (MDPS): 2. 5PBNetwork System Yokohama Institute-Network SuperSIN ET October, 2004 ES-Network Ferry System FTP MDPS Server MDPS Graphic WS BRAVE Data Handling WS Login Server ES-LAN Earth Simulator Allocation of ES assets for 2006 Strategic Project Earth Science Climate Change Solid Earth Natural Disasters International collaboration Industrial application and so on Innovative Project Space and Astrophysics Government Project IPCC Contribution and so forth Computer Science Next Generation Algorithm Next Generation Architecture Next Generation Programming Language Atomic Energy CFD Application Nano Technology BioChemistry and so forth International Cooperative Research USASCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Development of high goals reanalysis information THE Center NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCH SCIENTIFIQUE (CNRS) THE INSTITUT FRANCAIS DE RECHERCHE POUR LEXPLOITATIOAN DE LA MER (IFREMER) Impact of convective framework in central territory of sea RECHERCH PREVISION NUMERIQUE, METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE OF CANADA (PRN/MSC) Ultra high goals recreation of Hurricane Earl ITALIAN AEROSPACE RESEARCH CENTER (CIRA) [emailprotected]@[emailprotected]@[emailprotected]@[emailprotected]@[emailprotected] High goals climate determining in Italia-Alps locale A @ A @ A FOR A @ A @ ATMOSPHERIC A @ NERC [emailprotected] A @GLOBAL A @ A @ A @ A @MODELLING (NCAS) METOFFICE, HADLEY Center FOR CLIMATE PREDICTION AND RESEARCH A @ A @ rance [emailprotected] F [emailprotected] Canada [emailprotected]@ Italy [emailprotected] UK USA [emailprotected] USA NATIONAL ENERGY RESEARCH SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING (NERSC) CENTER AT LAWRENCE BERKELEY NATIONAL LABORATORY Estimation of HPC THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN Validation and Estimation of High execution Computing Advanced Visualization Method for tera-nibble scale information DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY GEOPHYSICS, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA THE INTERNATIONAL ARCTIC RESEARCH CENTER (IARC) OF THE (DGG/UMN) Advanced Visualization Method for tera-chomp scale information UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIR BANKS Development of cutting edge polar area odeling A @ A @ A @ A @ A @ INSTITUTE OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING [emailprotected] Development of cutting edge computational techniques Singapore [emailprotected]@ [emailprotected] NATIONAL APPLIED RESEARCH LABORATORIES [emailprotected] High goals climate anticipating demonstrating Impact of Ultra High Resolution Simulation for Global Atmosphere Global Ocean Typhoon Simulation 300 km versus 10 km Horizontal goals: 300 km Horizontal goals: 10 km Comparison of the Kuroshio Current 100 km versus 10 km level goals: 100 km Horizontal goals: 10 km A Global Atmospheric Circulation Simulation with a flat goals of 10 kmA Global Oceanic Circulation Simulation with an even goals of 10 km Antarctic Flow Simulation 10km goals in the level Synoptic scale sway Heat wave †¦ Silk Road Patterns Temperaturedistribution on July 20, 2004 Hydrostatic AGCM:AFES Simulation Observation Japan Meteorological Agency High Pressure improvement coming about beca use of wandering Westerly Silk Road Pattern Impact of Cloud settling scale †Synoptic scale Simulation NASA O(1000)km NASA O(1000)km O(100)m NASA O(1000)km O(100)m NASA How solid will be extream under Global Warming ? Cloud Effect and Weather/ClimateCloud Effect and Weather/Climate About 10km O(100)m Cloud Effect and Weather/Climate O(1000)km About 10km O(100)m Cloud Effect and Weather/Climate O(1000)km About 10km O(100)m Not just effect on extream yet in addition to environmental change through radiation forms Scientific Gland Challenge Impact of Cloud Scale Weather Synoptic Scale Climate Change Requirements: Long Integration with Ultra High Resolution + Various segments e. g. Environment Ocean Interaction (in any event) Multi-Scale Simulator for Geoenvironment (MSSG) Scalability Days Weeks Prediction 1 5km for flat 100 vertical layersLocal overwhelming Rain Prediction, and so on. Occasional Annual Prediction 5-40 km for level, 100 vertical layers Urban Weather/Climate Predicti on 10m 2km for flat, 200 vertical layers Data: Geographical Survey Institute 5 Days Forecasting of Typhoon 10 of 2003 MSSG, non-hydrostatic Global Ocean-Atmosphere Coupled Simulation Horizontal goals km Vertical goals layers 2. 7 72 Typhoon ETAU Sea Surface Temperature after Typhoon 11 following JAXA eorc. nasda. go. jp/imgdata/subjects/2005/tp050922. html 2005 Aqua, NASA Sea Surface temperature arrived at the midpoint of for 5 days(24th August 28th August)Sea Surface Temperature after Typhoon 11 following JAXA eorc. nasda. go. jp/imgdata/subjects/2005/tp050922. html 2005 Aqua, NASA Sea Surface temperature arrived at the midpoint of for 5 days(24th August 28th August) Rainfall Prediction related with Typhoon 10 Global with 5. 5 km goals Observation: Nested with 1. 15 km goals Global Warming Global Warming Simulation for IPCC AR4 CREAPI (Japan) and NCAR: National Center of Atmospheric Research (USA) A1B 750ppm:const Overshoot B1 550ppm:const ?A1B senario†¦ progressively up ? ove rshooting senario step by step down and constantChange of Precipitation in Summer Season under Global Warming Center for Climate System Research (CCSR), University of Tokyo National Institute of Environment System (NIES) Frontier Research System Center (JAMSTEC) expanded 2005 70 2075 The quantity of blistering days will be expanded diminished After a long time from now, Averaged precipitation will be expanding. 2. 5 Global arrived at the midpoint of temperature will be up of 2. 5 2005 70 2075 Heavy precipitation will be expanding Earthquake Tokyo underneath M7 Earthquake Prof. Furumura ( Univ. Tokyo) Kumagaya Shinjuku 80 Kumagay a Shinjuku Shinnjuku 30 30Seismic wave spread Intensity 100 cm rough Domain 85km 90km 102km Resolution:50m 6. 3G networks) Crust sedimentary and rough CPU hour sedimentary Formation of aurora circular segments acquired by recreation from the satellite starting from the earliest stage Sun-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere cooperation) SUN Micro-unsteadiness Solar Wind m
The Iron Heel Study Guide
The Iron Heel Study Guide The Iron Heelâ is an early tragic novel distributed in 1908 by Jack London. London is most popular for his man-against-nature books like The Call of the Wild and White Fang, so The Iron Heelâ is oftenâ considered a takeoff from his standard output.â The Iron Heelâ is composed from the primary individual viewpoint of a female hero, andâ it incorporates aâ presentation of London’s communist political standards, the two of which were abnormal for now is the ideal time. The book tends to Londons conviction that unionized work and communist political developments would adapt to the situation the conventional industrialist power base. Later scholars, for example, George Orwell regularly expressly notice The Iron Heel as an effect on their own works. Plot The epic starts with a foreword composed by Anthony Meredith in the 419 BOM (Brotherhood of Man), roughly the 27th century. Meredith talks about the Everhard Manuscript as an authentic report, made by Avis Everhard and portraying the occasions of 1912 through 1932. Meredith cautions that the composition is loaded with mistakes of certainty, however demands its incentive as a firsthand record of those â€Å"terrible times.†Meredith noticed that the original copy, composed by Avis Everhard, can't be viewed as target since she is expounding on her own better half and was herself excessively near the occasions to have objectivity. In the Everhard Manuscript appropriate, Avis depicts meeting her future spouse, communist lobbyist Ernest Everhard. She discovers him ineffectively prepared, pretentious, and disturbing. Ernest contends that the American arrangement of financial aspects depends on the maltreatment and poor treatment (at the end of the day, the misuse) of work, and that the normal specialists who prop everything up endure horribly. Avis at first doesn't concur, yet later she leads her own examination of Ernest’s guarantees and is stunned to find sheâ agrees with his evaluation. As Avis turns out to be near Ernest, her dad and a family companion (Dr. John Cunningham and Bishop Moorehouse) likewise start to concur with his thoughts. Every one of the four key characters start to work for the communist causes. Accordingly, the oligarchs who own and run the nation under the pretense of free enterprise and majority rule government move to destroy them all. Dr. Cunningham loses his showing employment and his home. Religious administrator Moorehouse is seen as clinically crazy and is focused on a haven. Ernest wins political race as a Representative in Congress, yet is encircled as a plotter in a fear monger plot and is sent to jail, alongside Avis. Avis is discharged a few months after the fact, trailed by Ernest. The two escape into stowing away and start plotting an upheaval. Before move can be made, the administration and oligarchs-which Ernest by and large calls The Iron Heel-structure a private armed force, legitimized by the feeble government. This private armed force gets under way a bogus banner uproar in Chicago. The private armed force, called the Mercenaries, savagely pulverizes the uproar, murdering numerous and utilizing ruthless strategies. Minister Moorehouse, got away from imprisonment, is slaughtered in the mob. Toward the finish of the novel, Avis expounds hopefully on the designs for a second uprising that Ernest is sure will succeed. In any case, as the peruser knows from Meredith’s forward, this subsequent uprising will fizzle, and The Iron Heel will run the nation for a considerable length of time until the last upset that shapes the Brotherhood of Man. The original copy closes unexpectedly, and Meredith clarifies that Avis Everhard concealed the book since she realized she was going to be captured. Significant Characters Anthony Meredith. A student of history from the far future, perusing and making notes on the alleged Everhard Manuscript. He is stooping and high and mighty towards Avis and frequently adjusts her; be that as it may, his comments uncover his restricted comprehension of the mid 20thâ century time that he examines. The readerâ gets to know Meredith principally through his marginalia, which adds detail and setting to the novel. Avis Everhard. Bornâ into riches, Avis is at first pretentious of the predicament of the regular workers. Through the span of her original copy, be that as it may, she considers her to be self as gullible and immature, and she turns into a furious defender of upheaval. There is proof that Avis isn't totally solid and that her center perspectives have not so much transformed; she frequently utilizes insolent language to depict the average workers even as she is communicating in the language of transformation. Ernest Everhard. An enthusiastic adherent to communism, Ernest is demonstrated to be wise, truly ground-breaking, and a brave open speaker. Meredith infers that Ernest Everhard was only one of many key individuals in the beginning of the transformation, recommending that Avis mayâ be romanticizing Ernest all through her original copy. Most pundits trust Ernest speaks to London himself and his center convictions. Dr. John Cunningham. Avis’ father, a praised scholarly and researcher. He is at first a supporter of business as usual, however gradually becomes persuaded of Ernest’s cause. He loses his status in the public eye subsequently and later vanishes; Avis suspects he is hijacked by the legislature. Cleric Moorehouse. A clergyman who experiences a comparative change in viewsâ as Dr. Cunningham, in the long run giving his life in the push to oppose the government. Artistic Style The Iron Heel is a work of tragic fiction. Tragic fictionâ presents a universe that is at chances with the author’s convictions and mentalities; for this situation, the tragic viewpoint originates from a world run by entrepreneur oligarchs who misuse the regular workers, misuse poor people, and mercilessly decimate pundits. The epic is additionally viewed as a work of delicate sci-fi, on the grounds that in spite of the fact that it makes no notice of cutting edge innovation, it is revolved around a setting 700 years in front of the date of its structure. London utilized a progression of settled perspectives in the novel, each with an alternate degree ofâ reliability. On a superficial level is the casing story of Dr. Meredith, who composes from the future and looks at a work of authentic significance. He introduces himself as a confided in power, yet a portion of his editorial incorporates real mistakes about twentieth century history that would be clear to the peruser, which subverts his unwavering quality. The following perspective is that of Avis Everhard, the storyteller of the original copy that makes up the main part of the content of the novel. Her dependability comes into question when she infers that her announcements about her better half are abstract, just as when she offers apparently disdainful remarks about the political reason she affirms to help. At long last, the point of view of Ernest Everhard is given when his discourses are remembered for the content. These discourses appear to be dependable because of their in e xactly the same words nature, however Avis lack of quality makes the peruser less certain.â London additionally utilizes a procedure known as a bogus report: aâ fictional work that is introduced to the peruser as an authentic one. This pride permits London to add multifaceted nature to a novel that may some way or another be a clear political tract. The Iron Heelâ contains two interlaced, multilayered bogus documents (Avis’ composition and Meredith’s gleam on that original copy). This mix a mind boggling secret concerning whose viewpoint is nearest to reality. Jack London was charged a few times through the span of his profession with unoriginality. Part 7 of The Iron Heel, The Bishop’s Vision, is a paper composed by Frank Harris. London didn't deny that heâ copied the discourse verbatim, however he asserted that he trusted it was a discourse conveyed by a real cleric. Key Quotes â€Å"It is far simpler to see courageous men kick the bucket than to hear a quitter ask for life.†- Avis Everhardâ€Å"No man can be mentally offended. Affront, in its very nature, is emotional.†- Ernest Everhardâ€Å"Times have changed since Christs day. A rich man to-day who gives all he has to the poor is insane. There is no conversation. Society has spoken.†- Ernest Everhard Iron Heel Fast Facts Title: Iron HeelAuthor: Jack LondonDate Published: 1908Publisher: MacmillanLiterary Genre: Dystopian Science FictionLanguage: EnglishThemes: Socialism and social revolution.Characters: Anthony Meredith, Avis Everhard, Ernest Everhard, John Cunningham, Bishop Moorehouse.
Friday, August 21, 2020
What is the Best Way to Present My Presentation For Me?
What is the Best Way to Present My Presentation For Me?What's the best way to present my presentation for me? This is a common question I get asked all the time. It's one of the most important questions to ask, because it will allow you to know what is happening around you so that you can make adjustments to your presentation.Let's start by asking yourself about your current situation. Are you happy with it or unhappy with it? If you are happy with your current situation, your goal is to be able to present your presentation to a better audience.If you are not, the first thing you need to do is change your presentation. In other words, do something about it. One way to accomplish this is to take some action and achieve a good result.You can do this by taking some professional development courses or by simply spending some time on research. Of course, the thing is to be able to identify what you need to learn before you go and take the classes. But once you have done this, the learning can take place.One great advantage of these types of courses is that they will not just teach you the basics of a presentation. It will teach you how to market your presentation. This means that when you are presenting you will be able to take advantage of the learning process that you are doing in the classroom.Do you think you will be able to find someone who will help you with this type of presentation? No. But you should look for some people who will show you how to market your presentation. In other words, you will be able to sell your presentation more effectively.If you are going to sell your presentation, then you want to know how to sell it. Since your presentation is already helping a lot of people, you want to be able to market it. Once you have learned how to market your presentation, you can stop worrying about what is going to happen during your presentation. And if you don't get any feedback, this means that you did a good job!Remember that your presentation is very important and that you want to get feedback. So, you want to learn how to market your presentation. The better you know how to market your presentation, the more people will want to see your presentation.
The Best Undergraduate Creative Writing Programs TKG
The Best Undergraduate Creative Writing Programs If you’ve worked with us, are working with us, or have read any of our sample college essays, you should know by now that we are big fans of creative writing. But if you’re thinking about majoring or minoring in creative writing in college, there are a few things that you should know first. Creative writing programs are competitive and sometimes cutthroat. Small workshops are the foundation of a positive creative writing experience, but that also means fewer seats are available - sometimes as few as 6 for a high-level course.Many creative writing programs require students to apply for the courses by submitting thick manuscripts of creative work (i.e. not essays from other classes) for teachers to review before accepting you into their class. This also makes workshop admission subjective. You may not get in just because a teacher isn’t really vibing your style. It’s a tough process, and one where everyone starts at the bottom and has to fight all of the way through, but writin g is a tough business. Taking critiques and handling rejection are at the core of a career as a writer, so you might as well start learning it in college, right? If you’re passionate about writing, committed to honing your craft, and have the guts to keep going, read on for our top 10 undergraduate creative writing programs in the US, and then a few hidden gems that we think deserve an honorable mention.Top 10 Creative Writing Programs Columbia University New York, NYAcceptance Rate: 6%Columbia University’s creative writing program comes with a reputation for excellence. It is one of the few creative writing programs in the country to have its own dedicated department and alumni of the university include multiple Pulitzer Prize winners, Poet Laureates, and people like Eudora Welty, Jack Kerouac, Langston Hughes, and Allen Ginsberg. The major is workshop and seminar-centric, with no requirements outside of writing intensive classes, and you can get through the whole major witho ut taking a literature or English class outside of Columbia’s core curriculum. Students can submit to Quarto, the literary magazine which has featured greats such as J.D. Salinger, and the proximity to their top-ranked MFA program and the Journalism School means the faculty is always top-notch.Emory UniversityAtlanta, GAAcceptance Rate: 25%Any list of the best undergraduate creative writing programs has Emory near the top. If it doesn’t, don’t trust the people who made it. Emory’s program is world-renowned and, at 26 years old, is well established within the university. A combination of workshop-style courses and traditional critical analysis and reading make for a diverse experience and students can focus in poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, playwriting, and even screenwriting.Washington University in St. LouisSt. Louis, MissouriAcceptance Rate: 16%While the Washington University in St. Louis creative writing program is housed within the English department and is a conc entration available within the English major, it’s strong enough to hang with the best of them. Teaching staff, including MFA Faculty, focus on helping students become better consumers of literature, as well as better producers of literature. There are numerous on-campus literary publications that undergraduate students can contribute to and brave writers can read their work at the biannual Pushmower Series.Princeton UniversityPrinceton, NJ Acceptance Rate: 6.5%Princeton is a great school regardless of major, but their creative writing program is especially well-suited for those interested in short prose forms and poetry. Students take part in intimate workshops and select seniors get to work individually with faculty like Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Paul Muldoon, Joyce Carol Oates, and Jeffrey Eugenides to create a thesis project. These projects are serious, and it’s not rare for a student to end up with a novel, screenplay, or book of poems. For students who don’t go the the sis route, there’s always Biennial Princeton Poetry Festival to look forward to.Middlebury College Middlebury, VT Acceptance Rate: 19.7%Housed within the English and American Literatures Major, Middlebury’s creative writing program offers more than 20 different courses each year. Instructors include award-winning authors Julia Alvarez and Jay Parini and all of the faculty are published writers working in the field. Uniquely, students start with an introductory workshop that is comprehensive, allowing them to try out poetry, fiction, and nonfiction in one course before committing to a specialization. Select students are able to attend the summer Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, but all are welcome to contribute to campus publications including The Campus, Artemis, and Otter Creek Journal, a journal focused on environmental writing.Emerson CollegeBoston, MA Acceptance Rate: 49%In addition to a Bachelor’s in Writing, Literature, and Publishing, Emerson offers undergraduates the opportunity to earn a BFA through their Creative Writing Program. Ending with a final thesis, the BFA offers truly ambitious writers the opportunity to work on a major project as part of their coursework. The Emerson creative writing faculty is stocked with fantastic talent and the campus is home to nationally-renowned publications Ploughshares and Redivider. If journalism is more your style, they’ve got that too.Cornell UniversityIthaca, NY Acceptance Rate: 14%With alumni like Toni Morrison, E.B. White, and Kurt Vonnegut, it shouldn’t come as a shock that Cornell has a great writing program. A minor within the Department of English, students of creative writing develop their own course of study with their advisor, allowing for maximum flexibility to fit almost any interest. Cornell is focused on fiction and poetry, but they combine the study of literature with creative writing courses to create a holistic educational program for any passionate writer. Scholarships are available for writers who show special promise.Hamilton College Clinton, NY Acceptance Rate: 26%Hamilton’s renowned writing center is home to a creative writing program that has produced alumni that have gone on to, among other things, head up the creative and communications arms of national companies, including a President of Scholastic Media. With concentrations in poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and playwriting, the Hamilton program focuses on cultivating the human imagination while emphasizing the beauty and complexity of language.Bucknell University Lewisburg, PAAcceptance Rate: 30%Part of the Bucknell English Department, the creative writing program is especially known for it’s poetry focus, and the Stadler Center for Poetry ensures that they’ll remain heavyweights for a long time. The Annual Bucknell Seminar for Undergraduate Poets offers 10 Fellowships to current students who take part in a 3-week summer intensive, and the writers in residence program ensures that there a re stellar minds and brilliant writers on campus throughout the year. The creative writing program at Bucknell may be most well-known for it’s poetry track, but their vocal emphasis on gaining exposure for a diverse set of voices also sets them apart.Kenyon College Gambier, OhioAcceptance Rate: 26%Creative writing classes at Kenyon are highly-selective and intro courses can be tough to get into, but students say that it’s worth the effort. English majors with an Emphasis in Creative Writing rave about the intimate workshops and engaged faculty. Students are able to submit The Kenyon Review, a world-class literary publication, and have access to the annual The Kenyon Review Young Writer’s Workshop, an 8-day intensive.Hidden Gems MITCambridge, MA Acceptance Rate: 7%We know, MIT for creative writing? We’re serious though. Your first thought when you hear MIT may be engineering, but this school is great at more than computer programming and robotics. In addition to the tradition al options of fiction, poetry, or nonfiction prose, MIT offers majors in Science Writing, designed for those interested in science journalism, and Digital Media, which focuses on the interactive and nonlinear narrative structures that are made accessible through digital publication.University of VirginiaCharlottesville, VAAcceptance Rate: 27%With two creative writing concentrations for English majors, poetry and prose (fiction and nonfiction), the University of Virginia creative writing program might not seem like much, but it’s strong link to the University’s MFA program and the accessibility of Charlottesville, a lively creative writing community, make it one of our favorite hidden gems. Students can also take part in independent studies, transforming their work into a ready-to-publish manuscript.Colorado College Colorado Springs, CO Acceptance Rate: 15.8%Colorado College is known for their block system, and that’s exactly why we think it’s a stellar place for creative wri ting students. The block program facilitates deep immersion and their multi-level program within the English major is designed to create strong and creative writers.Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MarylandAcceptance Rate: 12%If your goal is to follow-up an undergraduate degree with a Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, Johns Hopkins may be the perfect place for you. Students who concentrate in creative writing through their Writing Seminars program can focus on fiction or poetry, and are expected to excel across disciplines. For example, requirements include competency in a foreign language. By the end of the program, students have created a portfolio of work that meets the standards for application to a top MFA program.If you want to get into a top creative writing program drop us a line. We’ll help you get there.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Employees motivation - Free Essay Example
Money, motivation and performance EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report aims to evaluate the statement: ‘the way to motivate employees is to pay them as much as they want. It will review through several researches and counterpoints of money and motivating factors. By discussing and evaluating them, the report would have its approach to different perspectives on employees motivation and performance. The findings discovered different points and counter points on money as a motivation factor. These points also lead to different motivation theories which are the Maslow hierarchy of needs theory, the two factors theory, and the equity theory. Firstly, money seems to be the most important factor in motivating people. After a few decades, as the economy have its transformation and more studies and theories were conducted, the idea of motivating employees also altered by both businesses and scholars. However, none of these studies support the statement that paying employees as much as they want will motivate them to perform. It is clear that money has certain role motivating employees performance and influence in most of the studies of motivation. Different researches and different theories were developed on this field, but none of them support the idea of motivating employees by paying them â€Å"as much as they want†. It is more reasonable to set up the payment base on e mployees need, performance and equity than paying as much as employees want. 1 Introduction 1.1 Background Work performance can be defined as the level efficiency and effectiveness of a persons actions, while motivation can be described as a ‘driving force within individuals by which they attempt to achieve some goals in order to satisfy some need or expectations (Amaratunga Baldry, 2002, p. 328). From the past few decades employers have had a need to understand what motivates their employees to do their best work. It can be explained by the growing and more competitive economy, in which businesses try to get the best productivity from the human resources of their organisation (Wiley, 1997). Follow (Amaratunga Baldry, 2002), the report would assume performance as motivational determinant because of the essential influence of motivation on performance. 1.2 Aim The purpose of this report is to discuss about employees motivation. Focusing on the financial factors, it will reveal whether paying employees as much as they want will motivate them to perform. In addition, the report would discuss on different motivation theories. 1.3 Scope It firstly discusses about studies that identify money as a motivation factor, and then evaluates the counterpoints. Additionally report will go over different motivational theories that regard to money. These theories will display different perspective of money as a motivating factor. 2 Motivation-performance 2.1 Money as a motivational factor There have been numerous surveys revealed that money is one of the top factors that motivate people in the past few decades. Wiley (1997) reviewed that 40 years of motivation surveys in the U.S showed number one of the top five motivational factors ranked by the respondents is good wages. The analysis additionally concluded that pay or good wages is valued by all employees regardless of their gender, occupation, and income or employment status. The analysis also explained money ability to satisfy needs of various levels on Maslows Hierarchy of needs (section 2.3.1). Money allow people to purchasing items not only to satisfy their psychological and safety need such as food or shelter, but also cover higher-order needs such as the need of esteem. On the other side of the Atlantic Series of research on Europeans business during the 1980s and 1990s that detected a strong relationship between performance and pay. From Institute of Personnel and Development (1998), cited in Brown Armstrong (1999), 74% of employees responded to improve their performance after the business using the performance-related pay (Brown Armstrong, 1999). Both studies revised that money certainly is the motivation factor, but it appeared that money motivate employees more by satisfied what they need, not by paying the ammount that they want. 2.2 Counterpoints Eventhough the importance of money is undeniable as a motivating factor. There are also several researches questioning the role of a good wage. In (Wiley, 1997) the survey â€Å"factors that motivate me†in 1992 revealed that most people see money as the main motivation for their work. But also there are two groups that did not rank money as their first in their 1992 survey: the high income group (50000$) and group of ages over 55. The group of high income employees rank good wage as their fifth most motivated factor, while the group of ages over 55 rank good wages as their second most important factors. Although the article did not discuss much about these two groups because of the insignificant difference of data in the analysis, there seems to be a trace that employees motivating factors were changing regard to the economy and especially employees income. Average income of the United States, from 1992, at the time the survey reviewed by Wiley, (1997) has significantly changed. According to (Saez, 2004) average income (including capital gain) of the U.S at the time of 1992 was 42 940 USD, but in 2004 it increased to 50820 USD. The data show that if the survey in 1992 classified employees who have their wages more than 50 000 USD as â€Å"high income†, then in 2004 the same wage of 50 000 USD would be considered â€Å"average income†(see figure 1). The change of income appeared to effect employees view of motivation factors. Herzberg ( 2003) confirmed a change of how employees are motivated from the previous decades. The research presents the factor of good salary only contribute less than 8% to job satisfaction while a bad salary cause about 10% to job dissatisfaction (see figure 2). The article concluded salary was one of the Hygiene Factors, which contribute more as job dissatisfaction factor. It is always important for employers to understand that employees also need other motivation besides a good wage. 2.3 Motivation theories and money 2.3.1 The Maslows hierarchy of needs theory The theory was used to explain the result of the 1992 survey in Wiley( 1997). Maslow theorized that every human being has five needs: Physiological needs, Safety needs, Social needs, Esteem needs, and self-actualisation needs (Rossiter, 2009). Wiley(1997), conluded that the ability of money covers from the level of physiological needs to esteem needs. * Physiological needs: these needs relate to life necessity such as food, shelter, and clothing. These needs can be satisfied mostly with money earn from work * Safety needs: these need not only describe the context without physical danger, but also include a general comfort and security. These needs can be also be assure by a regular pay check; * Social needs: these needs include human needs of relationship and acceptance. In this level of needs, money appeared to play a more supporting and less tangible role of purchased items than the main factor compare to physiological and safety need * Esteem needs: these need involv e with respect and admiration. In this level of needs, money contributes by purchasing high value items, and being recognised by its value of pride more than financial value. * Self-actualisation needs: these need include self-improvement, growth, and achievement. The theory identified the role of a good wage is to satisfy various needs, but there was none recommendation that employees should be paid as they want. Even though the theory had no support and was not considered as a contemporary theory, it is wide known and remained popular because of its simplicity and certain application in psychology and business study (Robbins et al, 2008). 2.3.2 Two-factor theory Mentioned as a counterpoint to the view of money motivating factor in the previous 2.2 section, Herzberg (2003), not only contributed research on motivational factor, the article also proposed the Two-factor theory. The theory suggested a separation between the factors that cause job satisfaction from those factors that create job dissatisfaction. In other words, the data suggest that opposite with â€Å"satisfaction†is not â€Å"dissatisfaction†but â€Å"no satisfaction†and therefore opposite of â€Å"dissatisfaction†is not satisfaction but â€Å"no dissatisfaction†. The theory also characterised various work factors into two groups: hygiene factors and intrinsic motivators (see figure 2). * The hygiene factors, such as administration, salary and work condition, is considered is to make employees work more comfortable, rather than motivate them * Motivators are the factors that really motivate employees, such as achievement, recognition and the work itself. As mentioned in the previous section, salary was measured as a hygiene factor, which means that a bad wage causes job dissatisfaction, while a good wage rather comforts the employees than motivates them. Paying as much as an employee wants, according to the theory, will not motivate employees to perform. Additionally, Herzberg, in his study, recommended motivating employees with job enrichment. He stated at the beginning of the study â€Å"Forget praise. Forget punishment. Forget cash. You need to make their jobs more interesting†(Herzberg, 2003). Like Maslows theory, Herzberg studies was not supported and considered a contemporary theory of work motivation. Despite all criticisms, the theory is well-known and has great influence to business managers and scholars. (Robbins et al, 2001) 2.3.3 Equity theory A more contemporary and pay-related theory developed by Stacy Adams, in general, the theory believe that individuals motivations are provided by the inequity between their job inputs(effort, experience, education, and competence) and outcomes ( salary levels, raises, recognition) with others. Employees can compare themselves to friends, co-worker, neighbours, or past job and position they have. Those comparisons can be grouped into four types 1. Self-inside: the comparison between different position inside ones organisation 2. Self-outside: the comparison between positions outside ones organisation 3. Other-inside: the comparison to another individual or group inside ones organisation 4. Other-outside: the comparison to another individual or group outside ones organisation When employees recognised inequity, the theory predicts they could make six choices: 1. Change their inputs 2. Change their outcomes 3. Change perceptions of self 4. Change perception o f others 5. Choose a different referent 6. Leave the field. Regard to payment, the theory also proposed: * Given payment by time, over-rewarded employees will produce more than fairly paid employees. Hourly and salaried employees tend to increase their input side to bring back equity with the increased outcome * Given payment by time, under-rewarded employees will produce less or poorer output. Hourly and salaried employees tend to decrease their input to create equity with the decreased outcome. * Given payment by quantity of production, over-reward employees will produce quantity but more quality work unit. * Given payment by quantity of production, under-reward employees will produce more quantity but less quality work unit. The theory concluded that for most employees, motivation is influenced by reward. It is important for employee not only how much a business pay for him or her, but also the amount other employees got paid. It also suggested that money has symbolic value in addition to its financial values. Both under-paying and over-paying will have certain effect o n employers performance (Robbins et al, 2001). The theory generally recommended the motivating amount of payment should base on equity, not as much as employees want. .Even though the theory had been developed originally decades ago; it is stilled validated by different researches despite the changing social and economic values (Shore, 2004). 3 Conclusion Different perspectives and concepts about money and motivation have been developed during last couple of decades. In regards to the changing economy, more and larger study on the field of organisational work motivation was conducted. Answering the question: whether paying employees as much as they want would motivate them to perform? This report suggests ‘no. After reviewing several studies and theory, the report recommend that in order to get better performance from employees, their payment should be based on employees need, performance, and equity rather than paying employees â€Å"as much as they want†. References Amaratunga, D., Baldry, D. 2002. Performance measurment in facililities management and its relationships with management theory and motivation. Volume:20 Issue:10 , pp. 327-336.Retreived from Emerald database Brown, D., Armstrong, M. 1999. Paying for contribution. London: Kogan Page Limited. Herzberg, F. 2003. One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees? Issue of January 2003 , pp. 1-10. Robbins, S., Judge, T., Millet, B., Waters-Marsh, T. 2008 Organisational Behaviour. French Forest: Pearson. Robbins, S., Millett, B., Cacioppe, R., Waters-Marsh, T. 2001. Organisational Behavior. French Forest: Pearson. Rossiter, A. P. 2009. Why We Work: Maslow on the job. Vol. 105, Iss. 2 , p. 60. Retreived from Proquest database Saez, E. 2004. Average Income of The U.S from 1914 to 2004. Retrieved 2009, from Shore, T. H. 2004. Equity sensitivity theory: Do we all want more than we deserve? Vol: 19; Iss: 7 , pp. 722 728. Ret reived from Emerald database Wiley, C. 1997. 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Monday, May 25, 2020
Unhealthy Food Is A Tax On Food Acceptable - 2539 Words
Unhealthy Food: Is a Tax on Food Acceptable? Unhealthy foods are identified by linked to being significant causes of obesity. For example, the number of children with obesity has doubled while children receive 12% of their calories from fast food (Szabo 1), so fast food would be included in the spectrum of unhealthy food. In this spectrum, junk foods, such as chips and candy, sugary beverages, such as soda and added-sugar fruit juices, are also included as they have also been associated to obesity and do not provide proportional nutritional benefits. Foods would not be the only thing affected by the tax. Related services would also be affected, such as fast food restaurant drive-throughs. Skepticism may arise to a tax affecting such a large industry in the US, but an UFT is not as farfetched as some may believe. An UFT in the US is likely to reduce consumption of unhealthy foods. A tax that has targeted a specific sector of the unhealthy food industry has been successful before, as seen by Mexico’s recently established soda tax. A contributing factor to the soda taxes’ outcome was the fact that it was applied as a higher price of soda opposed to the traditional method of adding money on after purchase. In one year, the soda tax caused soda sales to decline an average of 12%, and up to 17% with lower-income consumers (Sanger-Katz 1). This means that consumerism for sodas in some consumer groups fell almost one fifths of the original rate. Surely such numbers must suggestShow MoreRelatedObesity: Should the Government Tax Unhealthy Foods? Essay1641 Words  | 7 PagesDepartment of Agriculture (USDA) in 1917 when they released a pamphlet, How to Select Foods. This pamphlet divided foods into five groups. During 1956 President Dwight D. Eisenhower created the Presidents Council o n Youth Fitness due to â€Å"concern about the physical fitness of America’s children compared with their European counterparts†(ProQuest Staff). Since the introduction of the pamphlet How to Select Foods the government has adapted the guidelines five times. And has created several regulationsRead MoreThe Food Of A Food Desert Essay1632 Words  | 7 PagesArabian, Mojave, and Food. Food? Yes, as much as people say that’s nonsense, a food desert is an occurring anomaly that impacts many people around the world, and in the United States. A food desert is a place where people do not have access to natural healthy food, however they do have access to cheap unhealthy food. Those areas today tend to be densely populated urban communities that again do not have immediate access to a grocery store or fresh healthy food. 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Tuesday, May 19, 2020
How Peer Pressure Is An Act That Should Not Be Taken...
Fitting in with the Ultimate Sacrifice Peer pressure is an act that should not be taken lightly because it can lead to many bad decision making and psychological damage. Bullying, alcohol-drug abuse, sex, and the desire to fit in are a few leading factors of peer pressure. As one begins elementary or high school, they are trying to figure out their individuality and form into their mold of themselves. Dealing with peer pressure as a young child or teenager opens the door to stress, anxiety, or even depression. These are a few personality dysfunctions that over time may destroy ones’ social skills and could possibly cripple the child from living a life of trust and friendship. There are other ways of peer pressure that can lead into the harmful actions of oneself that will be identified later with the statistics and data from different articles. First, bullying has formed from not only in the halls of ones’ schools, but now follows them home by social media by the click of a button. In the article of The Role of Classroom Peer Ecology and Bystanders’ Responses in Bullying in The Functions of Bullying and Peer Group paragraph it states the following: â€Å"According to this perspective, bullying often results when the bully exerts normative social influence that is exacerbated by the bully’s popularity and by peers’ fears of becoming next victims†. Moreover, based on this fact, one could see that a bully performs out of wanting to show off to his or her peers. In contrast, in theShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Alcohol On College Drinking Prevention Website849 Words  | 4 PagesAnother cause of alcohol related deaths is the simple fact that college students do not take what happens to them seriously when being overly induced with alcohol. The article states that many find it amusing to see a peer passed out drunk. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Analysis of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Beowulf
According to Sir Gawain and Beowulf heroic adventures, Sir Gawain has to leave his place by himself to meet the Green Knight and takes a risk on his own way as same as Beowulf who went out from his palace to beat the dragon by himself. However, their calls to the adventures contrast Sir Gawain and Beowulf heroic stories. The first decision is the most significant part of the heroic story that the protagonist has to choose either go out following the call or step away. Expectedly, every protagonist is going to present himself to the call and set off his journey. For example, Sir Gawain and Beowulf have chosen to set off their journeys by themselves. From the two stories, Sir Gawain and Beowulf have truly the identical idea leading them to make their journeys. It is self-glorification, or reputation. Both of them want to praise themselves. Sir Gawain wants to the king Arthur and the other lords to glorify his bravery against the Green Knight. As Sir Gawain craves for pride, â€Å" To be gone from this bench and stand by you there, if I without discourtesy might quit this board, and if my liege lady misliked it not, I would come to your counsel before your court noble. For I found it not fit, as in faith it is known, when such a boon is begged before all these knights, though you be tempted thereto, to take it on yourself. While so bold men about upon benches sit, that no host under heaven is hardies of will, nor better brothers-in-arms where battle is joined; I am the weakest,Show MoreRelatedComparative Analysis Of Beowulf And Sir Gawain And The Green Knight2005 Words  | 9 PagesA Comparative Analysis of Beowulf and Sir Gawain and How Their Differences Reflect the Changing Views of English Society Throughout history and even continuing up through today, society has been infatuated with the concept of heroism, specifically with the idea of what truly defines a hero. 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On the contrary, one mans idea ofRead MoreComparing and Contrasting Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, and Renaissance Perio1410 Words  | 6 PagescenterbAnalysis of Early Civilizations Through Literature/b/centerbrbrA culture that evolves and changes through time is a healthy culture indeed. From the early pagan warriors to the artisans of the Renaissance, the European world dramatically reformed. The literature of each era indicates the profound cultural innovations. The Anglo-Saxons arguably most important literary piece, Beowulf, is a story of a brave warrior who fights Grendel. Grendel is de scribed as, A powerful monsterRead More An Analysis Of British Literature Essay2728 Words  | 11 Pages An Analysis of British Literature nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Death is inevitable and what happens after death will always be a mystery to the living. For this reason, the afterlife has always been a topic which artists have chosen to explore in their works. Throughout the chronology of British literature, artists have used societys views as a basis to examine the afterlife, and look at it in new ways. The afterlife has been a theme in British Literature from the Anglo-Saxon period of BeowulfRead MoreThe History And Culture Of English Literature1979 Words  | 8 Pagesevident in the literary writings during their respective timeframes. As an example, it is during the Old English Period (Anglo – Saxon) where the English language is born. The epic poem Beowulf is for certain the most influential literary work of this period and possess national epic status in England. The poem Beowulf draws on Christianity to change the pre-conversion myth by elucidating the many things that cannot be explained by science or the laws of nature, including things characteristic of or
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
I Am Doing A Research Paper On The Controversy Surrounding...
For my Super Saturday T-Q-E, I am doing a research paper on the controversy surrounding vaccines. Some things that I think I know about this topic is that some people believe that we should not get vaccinations and that they can do more harm than good, and yet there are others who believe that getting vaccinations is the only way to prevent a massive outbreak in a community. Some questions I wanted to ask and answer are; can vaccinations actually be harmful to you? Can you still get a disease that you have been vaccinated against? Do parts of the world that have access to more vaccinations have less widespread epidemics and outbreaks because of the vaccinations, or just because they generally have more cleanly areas and procedures for dealing with those who do get sick? And finally, is it harder for people with vaccines to build up a tougher immune system than those who naturally build up the immunities against the diseases? These are just a few of the questions and topics I wo uld like to touch on in my quest to discover the controversy of vaccines. To begin, I started out with a short list of ideas I had about vaccine controversy that I thought I already knew. This included the idea that some people believe we as a population should not get vaccines. This is very true and is in fact a large debate in the medical community although presently â€Å"parents who choose not to vaccinate their children and protect them with vaccine exemption forms are often chastised andShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Pertussis3365 Words  | 13 PagesThe vaccination of choice for the preceding age group is DTaP, which contains a tetanus diphtheria toxoid and an acellular pertussis vaccine. The Tdap vaccine is recommended for all persons eleven and over and is a tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis vaccine booster. We should ask ourselves why this vaccination is so important? To answer this question I am going to use a statistic from the article, Protect Infants Against Pertussis (2014), â€Å"in 2012 twenty pertussis-related deaths were reportedRead MoreThe Demon in the Freezer Essays12595 Words  | 51 Pagesprotecting civilian populations against biological weapons. In The Demon in the Freezer, his first nonfiction book since The Hot Zone, a #1 New York Times bestseller, Richard Preston takes us into the heart of Usamriid, the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Maryland, once the headquarters of the U.S. biological weapons program and now the epicenter of national biodefense. Peter Jahrling, the top scientist at Usamriid, a wry virologist who cut hisRead More547 Marie Jevon1 Understand How The4585 Words  | 19 Pagesconclusive. Although it was interchangeably considered as part of schizophrenia, recently it is defined as a distinct disorder that has its own characteristics. The field of management is still challenging. In this paper, I am going to discuss different theories that explain autism. Then, I am going to summarize different learning approaches that are used for autistic children based on the different theories and ideas. Introduction: What is autism? Autism is part of the autistic spectrum disorders. TheRead MoreEssay On Animal Rights7500 Words  | 30 Pageshelpful solution to old cruel problems, such as animal cruelty as Stated by the author of News and Views. There are many different topics that come to mind when discussing animal cruelty but as far right now we will go a bit into depth about the controversy over animal testing. The first thing that come to mind when the word animal testing is spoken is a cute fluffy animal being subjected to experimentation by brooding people in white lab coats which to some extent isn’t necessarily wrong, but it isn’tRead MoreGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words  | 99 PagesContent Page 1. Media a. New vs. Traditional b. New: narcissistic? c. Government Censorship d. Profit-driven Media e. Advertising f. Private life of public figures g. Celebrity as a role model h. Blame media for our problems i. Power + Responsibility of Media j. Media ethics k. New Media and Democracy 2. Science/Tech a. Science and Ethics b. Government and scientist role in science c. Rely too much on technology? d. Nuclear technology e. Genetic modificationRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesManager: Kelly Warsak Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Operations Specialist: Ilene Kahn Senior Art Director: Janet Slowik Interior Design: Suzanne Duda and Michael Fruhbeis Permissions Project Manager: Shannon Barbe Manager, Cover Visual Research Permissions: Karen Sanatar Manager Central Design: Jayne Conte Cover Art: Getty Images, Inc. Cover Design: Suzanne Duda Lead Media Project Manager: Denise Vaughn Full-Service Project Management: Sharon Anderson/BookMasters, Inc. Composition: IntegraRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pages.............................................................................................. 144 Seeking a Second Opinion ............................................................................................................ 147 Trust Me, I Know It on Good Authority ..................................................................................... 149 Suspending Belief...................................................................................................................Read MoreHbr When Your Core Business Is Dying74686 Words  | 299 Pagesanyone. Once we all about energy, then we can truly make this promise a reality. $15 hips over ket. ners part r sting Inve gy to ma ough †¢ y thr ener s nerg llion able ing e f mi elop ntries. Dev cou ds o d renew †¢ ndre an in 26 g hu rnative ply. y i tt i n nerg mm y to alte rsify sup y wn e †¢ Co uall e ur o fficienc n o div an gies t de o e e ma sing our ener , hav a 1992 by incre ce †¢ Sin further go 4%. by 2 n: Take eps g St o brin vron ear t Che nay billio CHEVRON is a registered trademarkRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words  | 269 Pagesor other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States. This book is printed on recycled, acid-free paper containing 10% postconsumer waste. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 QDB/QDB 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 978-0-07-811257-7 MHID 0-07-811257-5 Vice President Editor-in-Chief: Brent Gordon Vice President, EDP/Central Publishing Services: Kimberly Meriwether-DavidRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words  | 658 Pagesso-called ‘Second Summer of Love’, strongly associated with recreational drugs. By the early 1990s, drug-dealing in its most ugly sense had become part of the dance culture. Palumbo recalled: When I came into this business, with my bonuses and my nice City suits, I was completely naà ¯ve. Just a joke. I found that every Friday and Saturday night my door was taking  £30,000 and the security team was making  £40,000 on Ecstasy. It happens everywhere in the UK leisure business. There are all these fat
Diabetes A Disease That Affects How Your Body Uses Blood...
Diabetes mellitus is referred to a disease that affects how your body uses blood sugar (glucose). Glucose is vital to your health because it is an important source of energy for the cells that make up your muscles and tissues. Having diabetes wether it is type 1, 2 or gestational diabetes , means there is an excessive amount of glucose in the blood, although the causes may differ, the high levels of glucose can lead to serious health problems. The actual term diabetes is that the body is unable to produce any or enough insulin, which causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood. This occurs in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, which are both similar the structure of the autoimmune disease but differ from each other in that type 1 is an acute dysfunction of the pancreas this usually occurs at a young age, and type 2 is progressive and chronic due to increasing inability of cells to respond to insulin, type 2 is usually due to life style and diet. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, type 1 diabetes was previously known as juvenile diabetes. About 5% of people with diabetes have this type of the disease. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder where the body does not produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other foods into energy needed for life. The pathophysiology of type 1 diabetes starts with production of antibodies which leads to the death of beta cells then follows with a decline inShow MoreRelatedThe Health And Economic Consequences Of Diabetes1594 Words  | 7 Pages Diabetes affects 18.2 million people in the United States. It is often referred to by doctors as diabetes mellitus and described as, â€Å"†¦ a metabolic disease in which the person has high blood sugar †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Collazo- Clavell et all. 2009), either because the insulin is inadequate or the body’s cells don’t respond well to the insulin. The health and economic consequences of diabetes are considerable. The majority of people that have diabetes live in low and middle income countries, where the prevalenceRead MoreDiabetes Mellitus : A Group Of Diseases That Affect Your Body Uses Blood Sugar1601 Words  | 7 Pages2056 FT030 Diabetes Mellitus Research Paper Annabelle Anglo 03/17/2015 According to Mayo Clinic, â€Å"Diabetes mellitus refers to a group of diseases that affect how your body uses blood sugar (glucose). Glucose is vital to your health because it s an important source of energy for the cells that make up your muscles and tissues. It s also your brain s main source of fuel.†(Mayo Clinic, 2005) Diabetes Mellitus has 3 types: Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, and Gestational Diabetes. Type 1Read MoreDiabetes : A Common And Well Known Disease That Affects People Of Different Ages1548 Words  | 7 Pagesthe three different types of Diabetes, a common and well-known disease that affects people of different ages. It explains the difference between Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational Diabetes and how prevalent it is in today’s generation. A sudden spike in a person’s blood sugar numerous times is an indication that a person has developed this disease. There are countless of people that are not fully aware of what a consistent rise in blood sugar can do to a person’s body. Many people are continuouslyRead MoreDiabetes And How It Affects A Person1590 Words  | 7 PagesDiabetes And How it Affects a Person Day-To-Day Life Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which the body s inability to produce any or enough insulin causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that allows your body to use sugar (glucose) from carbohydrates in the food that you eat for energy or to store glucose for future use. Insulin helps keeps your blood sugar level from getting too high or too low. When someone has diabetes and lacks insulinRead MoreDiabetes Mellitus ( Dm )1258 Words  | 6 PagesDIABETES Diabetes mellitus (DM), referred to as diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which there are high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period. Symptoms of high blood sugar include frequent urination, increased thirst, and increased hunger. If left untreated, diabetes can cause many complications. Diabetes is due to either the pancreas not producing enough insulin or the cells of the body not responding properly to the insulin produced. There are three main types of diabetes mellitusRead MoreThere Are Many Individuals That Strive For Balance Which1562 Words  | 7 Pagesbalance which involves health in their lives. There is a disease that is the fastest growing in the world which is diabetes. Diabetes is a disease where sugar builds up in a person’s blood, and it can also have an effect on people’s daily life and can occur in an individual for many reasons like due to when the insulin production is unbeneficial or the body s cells do not make enough sugar, ob esity, or eating none nutritional food. â€Å"Diabetes is the most serious and deadly condition. Currently, thisRead MoreTaking a Look at Diabetes636 Words  | 3 PagesDiabetes is a disease that affects millions of people around the world. Diabetes has become a rapidly growing issue that has drawn concern from both doctors and patients alike. Around 25 million people in the United States have diabetes mellitus, commonly known as diabetes. Also around 80 million people have pre-diabetes mellitus. There are almost two million people who are diagnosed with diabetes each year. If diabetes rates don’t soon begin to drop, an estimated one in every three adults will haveRead More Types I and II Diabetes1085 Words  | 5 PagesThere are some diseases people can overcome with the right treatment; however, there are some diseases that are a life long battle even with a treatment. An excellent example is diabetes. There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is diagnosed during childhood or adolescence. Type 2 diab etes is diagnosed in adulthood. Type 1 diabetes is important but it only affects a small amount of the population mainly adolescence while Type 2 diabetes affects a large portion of the population making itRead MoreDiabetes : A Body s Immune System1261 Words  | 6 Pagesaffected by diabetes. Diabetes is a disease that affects a person everyday life, and multifunctional body systems. Diabetes is a diseases where your body does not produce enough insulin, or is insulin resistance. There are two different types of this disease. â€Å"Type one diabetes accounts for 5 to 10 out of 100 people who have diabetes. In type one diabetes, the body s immune system destroys the cells that release insulin, this then results in eliminating insulin production from the within the body itselfRead MoreThe Chronic Illness Of Diabetes Mellitus1164 Words  | 5 Pagesillnesses affect many people, young and old; according to CDC data half of all Americans have had a chronic illness in their lifetime. Chronic illness is defined as any disorder that persists over a long period and affects physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual functioning (Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, 2009). If you or anyone you know suffers from chronic illness you know how it can be quite taxing on financial health, peace of mind, emotional health, and family dynamics. Diabetes Mellitus
Civil Society and the Rights of Individuals free essay sample
This paper is a detailed look at the political and social philosophies of Rousseau and Edmund Burke. This paper discusses the views of political philosophers Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Edmund Burke. The author explores their beliefs regarding government in society and their views on the nature of man and his relationship with religion, politics, social regimes and civil society. The paper shows how the philosophers beliefs contrast with each other. Unlike Burke, Rousseau did not come from a political background. He saw himself as unique with a valuable contribution to make to modern thought and society. He was not a member of the cliques that dominated eighteenth century European society and he made his home traveling from one society to another. He believed himself to be fully conscious at a very young age and took advantage of this state by writing about his beliefs at a young age. His political beliefs stemmed from the romantic enlightenment strand of thought. We will write a custom essay sample on Civil Society and the Rights of Individuals or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This foundation was the basis for his beliefs on civil society. Rousseau believed that all rights are conventional. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and those basic rights of man are the result of an agreement or social contract between man and government. These rights therefore depend on the will of government.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Julius Caesar Conflicting Perspectives free essay sample
An inescapable vice of humanity is egocentric bias, as according to Ripley, ‘no one sees themselves in a bad light. This bias is conveyed to perfection through William Shakespeare, George Orwell and Pablo Picasso in Julius Caesar, Animal Farm and Guernica respectively where each protagonist presented is shown to act on behalf of their own agenda espousing the belief that their perspective is indeed the most desirable. Due to the complex nature of perspective, it is impossible to encapsulate the entire truth at once. Caesar perceives his role in public to be the â€Å"northern star†of Rome. Juxtaposed against this highhanded nature is the irony that Caesar has not fathered a child â€Å"Shake off their sterile curse,†showing a private frailty. Brutus emotively declares, â€Å"I love him well†, however his compassion is juxtaposed with the malicious metaphor â€Å"to put a sting in him†suggesting a wickedness in him. Both men however, are shown to have an overinflated sense of duty especially evidenced through the intra-conflict Brutus faces as â€Å"he is with himself at war†with the idea of murdering his long serving ally. Brutus reveals that individual’s perspectives of situations are manipulated by their own personal ideals through his justification â€Å"not that I loved Caesar less but that I loved Rome more†. Shakespeare manipulates the intrinsic virtue of duty into a vice that inspires arrogance in Caesar and malice in Brutus, clouding their judgement with personal bias. Perhaps the most prominent example of personal bias is displayed in the funeral orations, where Brutus seeks self justification in light of his participation in the slaughter of Caesar. Through his patriotic objectives â€Å"I honour him, but as he was ambitious, I slew him†, Brutus denounces Caesar’s leadership thus presenting his actions positively as he strives for personal integrity. These perspectives are refuted by Mark Antony whose views, shaped by a close relation to Caesar, are of anger as shown through the emotive metaphor â€Å"wounds, poor, poor dumb mouths, and bid them speak to me†. Whilst elevating Caesars status, Antony’s repetition of â€Å"honourable man†intricately highlights Brutus’s ironic actions with the juxtaposition of his loyalty to this brutality expounding Descartes’ concept that â€Å"great minds are capable of great vices†Shakespeare effectively shapes Brutus’s perspective to reflect that his viewpoint is correct. In contrast, Orwell’s Animal Farm shows less ambiguity of perspective as it is a satirical novel. The pigs are perhaps the greatest example of egotistical bias in any literature through their constant pursuit for their own ideals of a utopian society. Characters such as Boxer, who represents the honesty of the working class through the hyperbole â€Å"he seemed more like three horses†are admired for their selflessness. However we condemn the â€Å"fierce-looking Berkshire boar†Napoleon, contrasting Julius Caesar, where Shakespeare’s opinion is ambivalent and the lines between patriotism and egotism are blurred. In Animal Farm Snowball, is a loyal supporter of Old Major, â€Å"make it a point of honour†and undoubtedly has like Brutus the greater good of Animal Farm at heart. It may be too strong to equate Napoleon to Cassius, however there are parallels as they are both manipulate through â€Å"canvassing support. †Ironically, the conflicting perspectives in Julius Caesar that lead to the assassination, prepare the ground for the triumph of Octavius Caesar in Shakespeare’s next play as the all-powerful emperor, precisely what the conspirators feared with Julius. Similarly in Animal Farm through the erosion of Old Majors dream of a â€Å"golden future†the animals get what they feared most with the return of Jones in the guise of the fat pig Napoleon â€Å"It was a pig walking on his hind legs. †The irony in the return of human reign is displayed through Napoleon’s overwhelming conviction that his viewpoint is the only and most desirable for the farm. Picasso’s ‘Guernica’, 1937 unlike the literature of Shakespeare and Orwell portrays the composer, Picasso’s perspectives as that of the protagonist. Composed of a chaotic black, white and grey pallet, the piece depicts the conflict and drama that espoused from the bombing of Spain and shows how such emotions can be translated trough mediums. Similarly to the betrayal felt by Mark Antony, Picasso employs the national symbols of the bull and the horse, marred by anguish and pain to highlight betrayal. Social comments on society are made just as they are in Julius Caesar. Picasso seeks to portray the destructive nature of technology through the light bulb which causes an ‘explosion’ of light and a complimentary pun in the translation of light bulb being ‘bombilla’ in Spanish. Much the same as Mark Antony, Picasso is outraged at the loss of something dear to him. Picasso is effectively able to become the protagonist and adopts a very strong stance on his perspective. The fatal flaw of Mankind today is self-interest. However the people who unequivocally place their trust in the hands of others like Caesar and Boxer reflect a shard of hope. That not all humanity is consumed in self-interest and that the empathy that is instinctively human, is not lost. May we learn from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Orwell’s Animal Farm and Picasso’s Guernica that shaping our perspective around self-gratification will only lead to superficial pleasures. So fight and be remembered for your honour and trust, for in the words of Caesar â€Å"what touches us our self shall be last served†¦Ã¢â‚¬
Friday, April 17, 2020
Preparing For Massachuses School of Law Essay Test
Preparing For Massachuses School of Law Essay TestThe Massachuses School of Law offers a massachuses exam in which students can take a practice exam. These exams are easy and simple, allowing the student to focus on areas where they are weak and build up their confidence.This exam paper is mainly used by applicants who are interested in preparing for entrance exams such as the bar exam or the state bar exam. These essays must contain informative, engaging and topical contents. It should be composed according to the test board's instructions. Students should also be prepared for having to revise an essay at least once before the exam.The Massachuses School of Law offers different types of essays for an essay test. Students can choose whether they want to prepare for this test online or taking it in school. In either case, these essays must be prepared according to the rules of the test.If you have chosen to take the test online, you can first set up a profile on the website and then c hoose an essay test sample that best fits your level of experience in the subject. You can also choose to read information on specific topics in the sample essay before choosing a topic for your own essay. This will give you more knowledge about the subject and prepare you for answering the questions on the exam.The Massachuses School of Law's essay test is divided into sections and students are required to read an essay in each section. After reading the first half of the essay, students must write a summary of the entire essay. The summary is followed by a re-write of the first half of the essay. Students must then answer a few simple questions after they have finished reading the essay.Inaddition to the essay test, the school also offers a practice exam. The Massachuses School of Law offers a number of practice exam samples, some of which are available as a free download. By reviewing these samples, students can prepare for the test by knowing the correct answers.A Massachuses Sc hool of Law exam sample is not a complete quiz. It may contain some practice questions but not all of them. You can also choose to choose a practice exam instead of the full exam to make sure that you fully understand the content before taking the actual exam.All students should try to examine the essay test as thoroughly as possible to ensure that they are prepared. This essay exam should be used by all students to help them prepare for the Bar Exam and build their knowledge about the law profession.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
El Salvador Essays (1473 words) - El Salvador, Republics
El Salvador Kelly Pire 2/15/01 World Geography report El Salvador Here are historical facts on El Salvador. The history of El Salvador revolves around land. It is the smallest country in Central America. Agriculture defined the economic life of the country well before the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors in the early 1500s. The unequal distribution of land in El Salvador can be traced directly to the Spanish colonial system, under which land title was invested in the crown. The individuals that got to control areas of land acted, as slaves over the lands. Although the Indian population gradually was diminished through disease and abuse, it eventually went into a growing mestizo (mixed Caucasian and Indian) population, its position was at the base of society was assumed by the rural lower class. Until the mid-twentieth century, the patterns of landownership and income distribution ran unequally throughout the population. As elsewhere in Latin America, those with more got more, those with less got less. Under the model of monoculture export that came to prevail in El Salvador, the concentration of land into large units, or haciendas, made for greater overall efficiency of production. The other side of the economic coin, however, was engraved with images of worsening poverty, illiteracy, and disease as the single-minded pursuit of wealth by a little percent of the population denied the vast majority of Salvadorans access to more than a subsistence level of income. Here are today's facts on El Salvador. El Salvador is located in Middle America, it borders the North Pacific Ocean, and its between Guatemala and Honduras. Its geographic coordinates are 13 50 N, 88 55 W, it is referenced to be in Central America and the Caribbean. The total area of El Salvador is 21,040 square kilometer, but 320 square kilometers is water. That total area is a little smaller than Massachusetts. El Salvador has a total coastline of 307 kilometers. Since it is in the Caribbean it experiences a tropical climate. Its terrain is mostly mountains, and a central plateau. Its lowest elevation is sea level and the highest point is Cerro El Pital at 2,730 meters. El Salvador has a few natural resources, hydropower, geothermal power, and petroleum. It land use goes for only 8% crops, 5% forest, 29% pastures and 27% of the land is arable. There is 1,200 square kilometers of irrigated land. El Salvador is known as the land of Volcanoes; there are many earthquakes and volcanic a ctivity. Many problems exist in El Salvador like; deforestation, soil erosion, water pollution, contaminations of soils from toxic wastes, and damage from Hurricane Mitch. There are many different peoples in El Salvador. It has a total population of 5,839,079. In the age group of 0-14 only 38% are males, 15-64 years old 58% are males and 65 years and older only 5% are males. The birth rate exceeds the death rate by 20%, but there are 28.38/1000 deaths in babies. The life expectancy is 67 years old for a male, and 74 years old for a female. There are about 3 kids per family. There are 3 major ethnic groups, mestizo 94%, Amerindian 5%, and whites, which makes up 1% of the population. 75% of the population is of the Roman Catholic religion. The people speak either Spanish, of Nahua. Most of the people over 15 can read and write. 72% of the population is literate. The population of El Salvador increased from 1.9 million inhabitants in 1950 to 4.1 million in 1975 and 4.7 million in 1984. It was projected to increase to 8.8 million by the year 2000. In other words, the populations would have doubled in each quarter century since 1950. Birth rates show that total fertility rates ranged from 6.1 to 6.3 in the mid-1970's down from 6.7 in 1961. Analysts projected that this rate would drop to 4.4 in 1995-2000. The decrease in the level of fertility since 1961 was seen in the 20-39 year old age group. The Republic of El Salvador is a republic country. Its capital is San Salvador. There are 14 administrative divisions in El Salvador. It is Ahuachapan, Cabanas, Chalatenango, Cuscatlan, La Libertad, La Paz, La Union, Morazzan, San Miguel, San Salvador, Santa Ana , San Vicente, Sonsonate,
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