Wednesday, May 6, 2020
I Am Doing A Research Paper On The Controversy Surrounding...
For my Super Saturday T-Q-E, I am doing a research paper on the controversy surrounding vaccines. Some things that I think I know about this topic is that some people believe that we should not get vaccinations and that they can do more harm than good, and yet there are others who believe that getting vaccinations is the only way to prevent a massive outbreak in a community. Some questions I wanted to ask and answer are; can vaccinations actually be harmful to you? Can you still get a disease that you have been vaccinated against? Do parts of the world that have access to more vaccinations have less widespread epidemics and outbreaks because of the vaccinations, or just because they generally have more cleanly areas and procedures for dealing with those who do get sick? And finally, is it harder for people with vaccines to build up a tougher immune system than those who naturally build up the immunities against the diseases? These are just a few of the questions and topics I wo uld like to touch on in my quest to discover the controversy of vaccines. To begin, I started out with a short list of ideas I had about vaccine controversy that I thought I already knew. This included the idea that some people believe we as a population should not get vaccines. This is very true and is in fact a large debate in the medical community although presently â€Å"parents who choose not to vaccinate their children and protect them with vaccine exemption forms are often chastised andShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Pertussis3365 Words  | 13 PagesThe vaccination of choice for the preceding age group is DTaP, which contains a tetanus diphtheria toxoid and an acellular pertussis vaccine. The Tdap vaccine is recommended for all persons eleven and over and is a tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis vaccine booster. We should ask ourselves why this vaccination is so important? 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